Monday 4 August 2008

DNA database

-Three million DNA samples in 2006. 5.24% of the UK population has a DNA profile. EU average…1.13%, US average…0.5%
-The number of crimes solved through DNA technology has quadrupled over the past five years. 74% rise in the number of crimes where potential DNA material is collected. 75% increase in the number of matches of suspects.
-4m people in 2007. It grows by 30,000 samples a month.
-The database had helped police solve as many as 20,000 crimes a year.
-People who are found innocent usually cannot get their details removed.
-Only a tiny sample of salvia blood etc is need for testing.
-People who are found innocent usually cannot get their details removed.

-DNA database started in 2004.
-In 2006, DNA tests were carried out in 2338 cases.
-People who are found innocent usually get their details removed.
-Samples are only a small amount, the database does not work well sometimes.

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