Sunday 26 October 2008

Psycholinguistic aspects of interlanguage

Second Language Acquisition by Rod Ellis (1997)

New Words
L1 transfer: The process by which the learner’s L1 influences the acquisition and use of L2.
Contrastive analysis: A set of procedures for comparing and constructing the linguistic systems of two languages in order to identify their structural similarities and differences.
Restricting continuum: This refers to the idea that interlanguage development consists of
Learners gradually replacing L1 rules with target-language rules.
Operating principles: Slobin’s term for the strategies children use during L1 acquisition to segment and analyse input, and which account for regular properties of their output.
Multidimensional model: A theory of L2 acquisition proposed by Meisel, Clahsen, and Pienemann. It distinguishes developmental and variational features according to weather they are governed by processing constraints or socio-psychological factors
Processing constraints: Mechanisms that block learners’ ability to perform the permutations involved in different grammatical structures (e.g. produce wh- questions with inversion).
Parallel distributed processing: A model of language that views language use and acquisition as involving a complex network of interconnections between units rather than rules.

Main points
L1 transfer
-negative transfer, positive transfer, avoidance, overuse
The role of consciousness
Processing operations
-operating principles, processing constraints
Communication strategies

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