Sunday, 28 September 2008

The linguistic character of New Englishes 3

English as a Global Language by David Crystal

-Code switching-

New Words
-Africaan is a language that has developed from Dutch and spoken in South Africa.
-‘Latte’ is a loanword from Italian.
-The student tried to give utterance to her thoughts in the seminar.
-Syntax is the study of word combination or sentence structure.
-A compound word is usually contrasted with a simple word.
-She still retains a passion for studying English.
-The name was used as a scornful appellation.
-The suspect sneered at the police and suddenly pulled out the gun.
-I decided to try a more subtle approach.
-New mothers usually draw upon child care books.
-A New English is not a homogeneous entity.
-The price of gold is in flux.
-The twins are indistinguishable from one another.
-Contact language is used in close geographical or social proximity, which thus influence each other.
-Hybrid is a word composed of elements from different languages (television, from Greek and Latin).
-Creol is a language that has become the mother tongue when a European language is mixed with a local language.
-Flames radiated in eight directions.
-It is fun working there at first but the novelty soon wears off.
-He tends to blur the distinction between his friends and colleagues.

Code switching is the use by a speaker of two or more languages during a conversation. Varieties mixed with English and a language start to be found in the situation where New Englishes are emerging. The varieties are called using a compound name such as Tanglish and Singlish. It used to be though that they were used by unintelligent people, but they have achieved the status. Standard English has influenced a great number of languages and has emerged many kinds of English. As a result of this, complexity and confusion has been brought in communication.

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